This 2-part Hydro feed from Intense nutrients is a great option for recirculating or passive hydroponic systems. It is on a par with the other big names in the industry for productivity but again, the fact that it is formulated here in the UK seems to make it slightly better for ease of use and overall plant health with UK tap water.
Their Hydro feed is a two-part, two-stage feed so Hydro Grow A+B and Hydro Bloom A+B with equal parts A+B to be added to the tank for the given phase of the plants development. As always thoroughly mix part A in the reservoir and then add the equal volume of part B. Never combine the two parts in their concentrated form. Intense nutrients 1l and 5l bottles come with an integrated measure for fast and accurate tank mixing.
Intense have the usual array of additives and the best results are achieved when these are employed but we always recommend a root stimulant (such as Intense Foundation) early on and a PK boost (such as Intense PK Phite) for heavy flowering periods.
Intense Hydro Grow and Intense Hydro Bloom are available in 1l, 5l, and 10l sets – this refers to the volume of each part.
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